Earrings are an important piece of jewelry popular among both women and men. Jewelry trends change and repeat every now and then. Earrings can be made from a few things like wire, beads, glue etc. but they can also be made from scrap and old useless things.
Have you tried tassel earing? Not yet? Not a big issue. You can craft your own tassel earing by just an earring hook or stud and thread. Here are some of the very innovative 20 DIY Tassel Earring Craft Ideas for making tassel earing rings at home.
One of the way is to make a tassel with thread of any color of your choice and with the help of glue bind it with any old stud. Similarly earring can be made just by replacing stud with earring hook. Another way is to make small tassels of same size and combine all of them on a ring and then join that ring with hook, this type of earring actually looks cool with multi shade threads. Tiered tassel can also be made by joining several tassels. Each of these tassels are joined from end to end and at the last end there is either hook or stud.
To enhance the lure of a DIY simple tassel earing, rhinestones can be used. A simple single rhinestone can made tassel earring a part wear earring. Many other ways can be used for making elegant and stylish tassels. Beautiful braids or knots can be made at top end of tassel to enhance its attraction. Multi shade threads, silk, cotton, woolen threads and leather can be used for making this type of trendy tassel earrings even they can be made according to the contrast of your wearables. Tassels can also be made by chains or even with strings of beads.
There are thousands of tassel ideas which can be crafted to give yourself a fresh and stylish look.
Sweet Tassel Earrings:

Image: sweetteal
Cutest Tassels Earrings:
Image: tellloveandparty
Three Striped Tassel Earrings:
Image: thestripe
Tiered Tassel Earrings:
Image: ticketbooth
DIY Rhinestone Tassel Earrings:
Image: whydontyoumakeme
Yellow Tassel Earrings:
Image: brainmade.samanthadelrosario
Cute Tassel Earrings:
Image: liagriffith
Handmade Tassel Earrings:
Image: liagriffith
White Tassel Earrings:
Image: practicalandpretty
Amazing Tassel Earrings:
Image: youtube
Leather Tassel Earrings:
Image: lanaredstudio
Boho Tassel Earrings:
Image: byangchee.blogspot
Super Easy Tassel Earrings:
Image: marymarthamama
White & Yellow Tassel Earrings:
Image: thestylesafari
Gorgeous Tassel Earrings:
Image: makesbakesanddecor
Statement Knotted Tassel Earrings DIY Tutorial:
Image: makeandfable
Chic Embroidery Floss Tassel Earrings:
Image: campmakery
Simple Tassel Earrings:
Image: saltywillows
Chain Tassel Earrings:
Image: trinketsinbloom
Peacock Tassel Earrings:
Image: youtube